Pink Squirrel Cocktail: Tempus Fugit Crème de Noyaux + Giffard Crème de Cacao
About The Pink Squirrel Cocktail Set
This cocktail set includes:
(1) 750 ml bottle of Tempus Fugit Crème de Noyaux
(1) 750ml bottle of Giffard Crème de Cacao
Imagine a boozy milkshake with notes of almond and chocolate and a hint of spice. Three ingredients, along with a a dusting of freshly-grated nutmeg, and there you have it: your delicious adult dessert.
The Pink Squirrel is the cocktail to whip up when your White Russian loving friends are over and you want to introduce them to to a whole new world of creamy goodness.
We’ve never tried it, but we’ve heard some people use ice cream in place of (or in addition to!) the cream.
And bonus: this drink is actually low ABV!
How to Make The Pink Squirrel
.75 oz Crème de Noyaux
.75 oz White Crème de Cacao
1.5 oz heavy cream
Method: Add all ingredients to a shaker filled with ice. Shake until very cold. Strain into a coupe, and grate fresh nutmeg on top.
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