Hillrock Solera Aged Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Hillrock Solera Aged Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
Hillrock Solera Bourbon is a unique bourbon that has been solera aged, a process involving a stack of barrels where whiskey is periodically drawn and new whiskey is added, ensuring no barrel is ever fully emptied. This method enhances the bourbon’s age and complexity over time. It combines small barrel-aged Hillrock Estate Bourbon with mature seed bourbon, finishing in 20-year-old Oloroso casks, which contributes to the balance of flavors and adds layers of complexity. The bourbon presents a pronounced nose with aromas of caramel, dried fruit, vanilla, oak, and spice, alongside a delicate floral hint. Its full-bodied taste reveals flavors of brown sugar, molasses, and toffee, complemented by roasted corn, clove, cinnamon, and a subtle spicy rye. Notes of walnut, fig, and candied fruit from the Oloroso sherry casks integrate with caramel and butterscotch, culminating in a long and balanced finish.Â
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