Gold Bar Whiskey SF Joe Montana Edition 750 ml
Gold Bar Whiskey SF Joe Montana Edition 750 ml
Relive the legendary touchdown celebration of Joe Montana in Super Bowl XXIV with the iconic illustration of Montana, a limited edition San Francisco 49ers overstrip, and his signature all featured on the bottle. Blend 273 is a tribute to his career touchdown passes, and this unique edition is a blend of 10% rye, 10% barley, and 80% corn. Aged in Red Wine and used Cognac barrels with toasted oak staves, this award-winning American Whiskey boasts notes of fruit, deep spice, and berries. Perfect for sipping neat or in cocktails, this versatile and crowd-pleasing whiskey is a true masterpiece crafted to honor one of the greatest athletes of all time. Each bottle comes with a special commemorative patch for 49er fans, easily wearable on any game-day jacket, jersey, or hat. Cheers to Moments Worth Celebrating with Gold Bar Whiskey SF Joe Montana Edition.