Four Gate Andalusia Key II Whiskey 750ml
Four Gate Andalusia Key II Whiskey 750ml
26th Batch Four Gate Batch Key to Andalusia II Rum Cask Finish with Sherry Dark Rum Casks Finish is a true masterpiece of whiskey artistry is bourbon. This limited edition bourbon has a distinctive flavor profile that mixes the sweetness of sherry with the rich, oaky notes of bourbon. It is made from a blend of premium bourbons and finished in sherry rum casks.
With its deep layers of flavor, this bourbon is a sensory voyage through toasted caramel, dark chocolate, and dried fruit, with a hint of spice and a smooth, velvety finish. Four Gate Batch 26 is a must-try for any whiskey lover seeking a really distinctive and unforgettable experience. It is a rare and highly sought-after release.
Other Varieties:
Four Roses Small Batch Select 750ml
Four Gate Andalusia Key Rye Whiskey 750ml