Barr Hill Gin
About Barr Hill Gin
Barr Hill Gin is an exquisite, artisanal spirit that combines classic gin botanicals with the subtle sweetness of raw honey. Handcrafted in Vermont, this distinctive gin offers a unique sensory experience that will delight gin enthusiasts and cocktail lovers alike.
Little Known Fact
Each bottle of Barr Hill Gin is infused with raw honey sourced from the distillery’s own apiary, a testament to their commitment to sustainability and local ingredients.
Tasting Notes
Barr Hill Gin has a delicate and elegant flavor profile, with bright juniper notes complemented by a soft sweetness from the raw honey. Floral and citrus undertones bring balance and complexity, while the smooth finish leaves a lasting impression.
Cocktail Recipe Recommendation
Barr Hill Bee’s Knees:
- 2 oz Barr Hill Gin
- 3/4 oz fresh lemon juice
- 3/4 oz raw honey syrup (1:1 honey to water ratio)
- Lemon twist for garnish
Combine gin, lemon juice, and honey syrup in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake until well chilled and strain into a chilled coupe glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.
Recommended by Kapri Robinson, creator of the Top of the Morning
Kapri Robinson recommends Barr Hill Gin: “The delicious botanical notes of Barr Hill are brought to a perfect balance by the floral depth of raw honey used in its distillation. The raw honey makes Barr Hill naturally a little sweeter than other gin, but the results are unparalleled and distinctive—the secret is in the hive!”
Production Notes
Barr Hill Gin is distilled in a custom-designed botanical extraction still, which allows for the precise extraction of flavors from the juniper berries and other botanicals. The raw honey is added after distillation, preserving its natural flavors and aromas, and ensuring a perfectly balanced spirit.
Last Word
Barr Hill Gin is a remarkable spirit that showcases the harmonious marriage of botanicals and raw honey, resulting in a truly unique and memorable gin. Perfect for sipping neat or mixed into your favorite cocktails, Barr Hill Gin will elevate your home bar and impress your guests with its refined flavors and alluring sweetness.